The Altona Community Foundation Inc. » Grants


Spring granting deadline – April 30

Fall granting deadline – October 31

Grant Application

You can save your unfinished form and complete it later. To do so, at any time please scroll to the bottom of the form and click “Save and Resume Later” and enter your email address to receive a link. Please check your Spam folder for that link.

A copy of your completed application will be emailed to you and the Altona Community Foundation, the Altona Community Foundation will confirm with you that they received your application.


Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 4 files.
Allowed file types: .png, .gif, .jpg, .doc, .xls, .pdf



This application must be signed by the President or another officer of the organization’s governing board.

Clear Signature

Name of individual from whom further information may be obtained:

Please note that all successful grant applicants will have their picture posted on the Altona Community Foundation website


Please review the following guidelines before submitting a grant application to the Altona Community Foundation:

Only charities registered with CCRA are eligible for grants from The Altona Community Foundation. Your charitable registration number is a nine-digit number followed by RR0001. If a second party organization is providing access to a charitable number, a letter documenting permission for this usage must be provided by the applicant. This letter must accompany the application form. There must be an affiliation between the registrant and the applicant if a second party charitable number is utilized.

The applicant must carry out its activities in The Altona Community Foundation geographic granting area. This area is to include the Town of Altona, Town of Gretna, Village of Rosenfeld, and the area around Altona generally consisting of the Municipality of Rhineland (excluding the Town of Plum Coulee).

The applicant must make services and access available without discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, or handicap.

Applications will be considered for capital projects, project start-ups, new organization start-ups or human resource development.

Definition of capital project:

  • Long-term investment project requiring relatively large sums to acquire, develop improve, and/or maintain a capital asset (such as land, buildings, dike, roads).
  • Capital project is defined to include acquisition of capital assets or improvements and additions to these, construction and initial equipment, reconstruction, significant demolition, major alteration of any capital asset and major maintenance projects.
  • A capital project does not include: preventative maintenance consisting of normal upkeep or repairs to keep capital assets and their attached fixtures in their present condition or state of usefulness, to prevent their deterioration.
  • Major maintenance means the maintenance or repair of capital assets that are not needed on an annual or biennial basis or are not the function of the permanent maintenance staff of the agency.

The availability of other sources of funding/granting/fundraising must be in place. The Altona Community Foundation will not fund 100% of any project.

The Altona Community Foundation may choose to initiate a response to a need in the community by seeking out leaders.

Preference is given to projects which:

  • benefit the whole community
  • encourage more efficient use of community resources
  • demonstrate new approaches and techniques in the solution of community problems
  • address the underlying causes of problems in our society
  • promote efficient and coordinated use of community resources, both human and financial
  • promote volunteer participation

Grants are not made to or for:

  • individuals
  • annual fund drives
  • pay down mortgages or reduce deficits
  • support operating expenses
  • projects already completed
  • political activities
  • direct religious activities of religious groups or organization
     – except when community access is available
     – unless the community-at-large will benefit significantly

When projects that have been approved for a grant come in under the total project cost indicated on your grant application, the Altona Community Foundation will reduce the grant by the per cent that the project was reduced.

 Volunteer labour is to be excluded from total project costs.

 Proof of expenditures must be actual receipts or invoices.

 If the scope of the project listed on the grant application has changed after the grant has been awarded, the board must be notified. Approval for the changes is at the discretion of the board and may result in the grant being declared void. Upon notification of change, the board will determine if the grant will be honored or denied. If denied, applicants will be encouraged to re-apply during the next granting cycle.  

Policy & Procedures

A formal procedure is to be established to deal with grant application and awards.

1. Application

Applications must be made on an Altona Community Foundation application form. All required information must accompany the application form in order for the application to be considered. Grant applications are called for twice annually – in April and October.

2. Review

The application will be reviewed by a Granting Committee of the Board. A recommendation to grant or deny is made to the Board for approval. Grant applications will be reviewed and selected based primarily on qualifying factors as per Grant Guidelines.

3. Awards procedure and recording system

Grants will be awarded to successful applications. Some type of appropriate public announcement will accompany a grant to increase awareness of and to promote the work of the Altona Community Foundation. Grants awarded will be recorded in the minutes.

4. Grant monitoring

All grants are subject to review by the Board. Proof of expenditures must be submitted within one year of the date of grant approval, in order for grant funds to be disbursed. If funds have not been requested in the one-year period, the grant is null and void. The Board will review projects granted in the previous year after the one-year period has elapsed to ensure that all guideline requirements have been met.
  • When projects that have been approved for a grant come in under the total project cost indicated on your grant application, the Altona Community Foundation will reduce the grant by the per cent that the project was reduced.
  •  Volunteer labour is to be excluded from total project costs.
  • Proof of expenditures must be actual receipts or invoices.
  • If the scope of the project listed on the grant application has changed after the grant has been awarded, the board must be notified. Approval for the changes is at the discretion of the board and may result in the grant being declared void. Upon notification of change, the board will determine if the grant will be honored or denied. If denied, applicants will be encouraged to re-apply during the next granting cycle.

2024 Fall Grant Recipients

  • Access Field of Dreams
  • Altona Community Health Centre
  • Altona Minor Baseball
  • Altona Minor Softball
  • Gretna Stars Rec Hockey
  • Kiddie Sunshine Centre (Main)
  • Kiddie Sunshine Centre (Centre)
  • Pembina Counselling Centre
  • The Gardens on Tenth
  • Youth for Christ – Altona
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